
How to make lipstick last?


How to make lipstick last?

First, heat lipstick

When we choose lipstick, we should pay attention to the moisturizing lipstick. In fact, many people don't know that there will be a layer of wax on the surface of the newly bought lipstick, which is equivalent to the "protective film" of lipstick. This protective film will make it difficult for you to color when applying lipstick. At this time, you can adjust the hair dryer to hot air, blow on the lipstick, and then you will find that it is easier to color. This method is also suitable for colder weather in winter.

Second, clean the lips regularly

Many times, your lipstick is easy to fade or uneven because your lips are too dry or there are too many dead skin. Therefore, you'd better clean your lips before you apply lipstick. You can first apply some lubricating oil to make your lips more moist, or you can use some scrub to clean the dead skin of your lips, and then apply lipstick, you will find that your lips will be much easier to color, and the moisturizing degree of your lips will also be improved.

Third, foundation lasting color protection

Friends who often wear lipstick may often suffer from this problem, that is, the persistence of lipstick is not good, and they keep applying lipstick throughout the day. But I don't know whether you know it or not. In fact, there is a trick to improve the durability of lipstick. After you have put a layer of lipstick on, then evenly spread a foundation on your lips, then apply lipstick. In this way, the foundation will hold the lipstick firmly and make lipstick more durable. At the same time, you will find that the color of lipstick will be more uniform, more beautiful and glossy.

How long can a lipstick last

How long a lipstick can be used depends on how you use it. The frequency is not frequent, but normally it can be used up in 3 months to 6 months.

Six points for attention in applying lipstick

1. Avoid applying lipstick for a long time

Make up should be light, not heavy, even if it's light, don't apply lipstick for a long time. Although lipstick can make your lips look tender in a short time, long-term use will lead to dryness, swelling, itching... If these conditions have occurred, honey is a good way to care for them.

2. Don't apply it directly to your lips

People who use lipstick often feel that their lips are not as soft and moist as they used to be. There is a relationship between age and improper use of lipstick. Generally speaking, there will be no discomfort after using lipstick, but there are quite a few lipsticks that make people feel dry and tight after using because of the low oil content or the lack of proportion. Some lipsticks even cause local itching, pain, peeling and other discomfort.

Therefore, before using lipstick, it is best to apply a layer of colorless lip oil on the lips, so that the lips are fully moistened before using lipstick. This can not only make the lip luster, but also reduce the bad stimulation of lipstick to the lips.

3. Remove lipstick before drinking and eating

After many women smeared thick lipstick, they would only pay attention to the desalination of lipstick after meal, but never thought of removing lipstick before eating and drinking. Lipstick, after all, is a collection of chemical substances. It's not a big problem if you eat lipstick occasionally. But if you swallow lipstick for a long time, it will do great harm to your health.

4. Pay attention to thoroughly remove makeup before going to bed

Women's Lipstick must be careful when removing makeup. Lip and eye skin is very fragile, easy to irritation and allergy, plus lipstick and eye shadow, the most cosmetic products, must use a strong cleansing power of special cleansing liquid to clean, otherwise it will cause the deposition of harmful substances such as lanolin, causing lip wrinkles and lip color deepened. After using makeup, you should use lip gloss to protect your lips. You can apply the makeup cotton moistened with moisturizing lotion or moisturizing liquid to your lips for about 10 minutes.

5. Try it out after you buy it to see if you are allergic

Women with allergic constitution should use lipstick with caution. At the same time, they should first try lipstick on the lower lip for one day, and then continue to use lipstick when there is no adverse reaction. Don't change the brand that suits you. If you change it, you should try it for one day. If there is an allergic reaction, it should be stopped immediately, and those with severe allergic reaction should go to the hospital for treatment, just in case.